Technical implementation of translation

This page documents the code involved in translating files. It is only necessary to read this page if you are editing or debugging these technical processes. Otherwise, the steps have been simplified and abstracted into the two commands make extract and make, covered under Technical processes for translation and Building the documentation.


We use the gettext system for translation. In gettext, strings to translate are referred to as ‘messages’, and messages are collected into ‘domains’, which correspond to POT files.

Extract messages

First, strings to translate are extracted from files with make extract.

Extract from Codelist CSV files and JSON Schema files

  1. make extract builds the extract_codelists and extract_schema Make targets, among others. These run:

    pybabel extract -F babel_ocds_codelist.cfg . -o $(POT_DIR)/$(DOMAIN_PREFIX)codelists.pot
    pybabel extract -F babel_ocds_schema.cfg . -o $(POT_DIR)/$(DOMAIN_PREFIX)schema.pot
  2. pybabel extract extracts messages from source files and generates a POT file. The -F (--mapping-file) option sets the path to the Babel mapping configuration file, babel_ocds_codelist.cfg or babel_ocds_schema.cfg.

  3. The Babel mapping configuration files, babel_ocds_codelist.cfg and babel_ocds_schema.cfg, map Babel message extraction method names – ocds_codelist and ocds_schema – to the codelist CSV and JSON Schema source files from which to extract strings to translate.

  4. pyproject.toml in ocds-babel maps the Babel message extraction method namesocds_codelist and ocds_schema – to the module and function implementing the extraction, in the entry point group babel.extractors.

  5. The functions extract_codelist and extract_schema implement the extraction.

Extract from Markdown files

  1. make extract builds the extract_markdown Make target, among others. This runs:

    sphinx-build -q -b gettext $(DOCS_DIR) $(POT_DIR)

See the Sphinx documentation.

Translate source files

After pushing strings to translate as POT files to Transifex, translating the strings, and pulling translations as PO files from Transifex, source files are translated with make.

Translate Codelist CSV files and JSON Schema files

  1. make builds the compile Make target. This compiles to MO files the PO files for codelist CSV files and JSON Schema files.

    pybabel compile --use-fuzzy -d $(LOCALE_DIR) -D $(DOMAIN_PREFIX)schema
    pybabel compile --use-fuzzy -d $(LOCALE_DIR) -D $(DOMAIN_PREFIX)codelists
  2. make then builds build.* Make targets, among others. These run, for example:

    sphinx-build -q -b dirhtml $(DOCS_DIR) $(BUILD_DIR)/es -D language="es"
  3. sphinx-build, when language is set, compiles to MO files the PO files for Markdown files, which can also be done by running sphinx-intl build -d $(LOCALE_DIR).

  4. sphinx-build runs setup in, which reads the language override (-D language="es").

  5. setup in calls the translate method to translate codelist CSV files and JSON Schema files from one directory into another directory, using MO files.

  6. The translated files are used by Sphinx directives like csv-table-no-translate and jsonschema in Markdown files.

Translate Markdown files

  1. make builds the build.* Make targets, among others. These run, for example:

    sphinx-build -q -b dirhtml $(DOCS_DIR) $(BUILD_DIR)/es -D language="es"

See the Sphinx documentation.

Please correct all warnings, ignoring WARNING: inconsistent term references in translated message.