

You may want to build a draft profile on ReadTheDocs:

  1. Sign in to ReadTheDocs

  2. Click Import a Project

  3. Click Import Manually

    1. Enter the name of the repository in Name

    2. Paste the URL of the repository in Repository URL

    3. Check Edit advanced project options

    4. Click Next

  4. Set Documentation type to “Sphinx HtmlDir”

  5. Click Admin

  6. Click Advanced Settings

    1. Enter “requirements.txt” in Requirements file

    2. Uncheck Enable PDF build and Enable EPUB build (faster)

    3. Set Python interpreter to “CPython 3.x”

    4. Click Save

  7. Click Integrations and GitHub incoming webhook

  8. Copy the webhook URL

  9. Add a webhook on GitHub, but instead of Just the push event, check Let me select individual events, Pull requests and Pushes

For reference, Open Data Services documents similar steps.

Migrating off ReadTheDocs


  1. Add the ReadTheDocs webhook if missing.

  2. If you’re trying to edit an old version on ReadTheDocs, click the Builds button in the ReadTheDocs admin, click the version’s most recent successful build, and copy the commit hash. Checkout that commit.

To redirect the “latest” version:

  1. Create a readthedocs branch for ReadTheDocs: git checkout -b readthedocs

  2. Replace layout.html with (replace all occurrences of YOUR_TITLE and YOUR_URL):

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf8">
        <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=YOUR_URL">
        <link rel="canonical" href="YOUR_URL">
        <title>This page has moved</title>
        <p>This page has moved. Redirecting you to <a href="YOUR_URL">YOUR_URL</a>&hellip;</p>
  3. Optionally, create a docs/robots.txt file with:

    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /
  4. Optionally, add html_extra_path = ['robots.txt'] to docs/

  5. Commit and push

  6. Click the Admin button in the ReadTheDocs admin, click Advanced Settings in the left menu, and set Default branch: to readthedocs

  7. Click the Builds button, and ensure the build is successful

  8. Click View Docs to test the meta refresh

To redirect the “stable” version:

  1. Create a 99.99 branch from the readthedocs branch: git checkout -b 99.99 readthedocs (here’s why)

  2. Commit and push

  3. Click the Builds button, and ensure the build is successful

  4. Test the meta refresh

To delete all other versions:

  1. Click the Admin button in the ReadTheDocs admin, click Versions in the left menu, and uncheck Active for all except the “latest” version.

  2. Click the Versions button in the ReadTheDocs admin, and click the Wipe button for all inactive versions