Deploying the documentation

A profile’s deployment is the same as the standard’s Deploying the documentation, except where noted below. If a profile is unversioned, some of the below may be irrelevant.

Perform maintenance tasks

Check the profile’s individual handbook page for any maintenance tasks.

Version the profile

If this is the first numbered version of a profile, in its docs/_templates/layout.html, add (substituting {root} with ppp, for example):

{% block version_options %}
<!--#include virtual="/includes/version-options-profiles-{root}.html" -->
{% endblock %}

Update the changelog

Update the profile’s changelog (if any) with links to its extensions’ changelogs.

Review the pull requests since the last release. To review the commits that are not part of a pull request (using the fish shell):

git show (git rev-list --first-parent --no-merges 1.0-dev --since=2019-10-21)

To review the messages only (using the fish shell):

git show --oneline -s (git rev-list --first-parent --no-merges 1.0-dev --since=2019-10-21)

Replace the branch (1.0-dev) and date (2019-10-21) as needed.